how long have i not posted in this blog? well, A LONG TIME.... crap...
well, last saturday, on the 23rd, i was at michelle's hse for the bbq. OMFG... it was so bloody fun. me and zheling went there earlier, to swim, and we were playing there for a while. had fun, despite the group of boys who were just pissing us off by well, pissing us off. so then nicholas came, and we kinda got him to get the ball for us, everytime it went out of the pool. so funny, zheling kept on getting in this guy's way, BTW, he looked like kunda actually. so we got out of the pool at like 6++ and went up to michelle's unit to get ready, aka makeup and contact lenses. we were kinda late, and then me and zheling started pigging out at the bbq pit while michelle went to play bball with yuan ping and friends. ate alot... still can't believe zheling used the corn as a mike to sing 183's Yi Ba Shan (One Umbrella) OMFG. then ate untill zhe ling was rather full, but i was still kinda hungry, prob cos i didn't eat much as zheling. so i grabbed a few marshmallows and we both sat by the pool side, rolled up our jeans, and dipped our legs in the pool. the effect is rather like some ghost story thingy... piics will come ltr ba... so then michelle and co. came back and then she joined us. nicholas thought it was funny to splash water on michelle, so i returned him the favour, only this time it was a small bowl. played murderer in the dark and then went upstairs to plat taitee. then we started to take pics and vids, so funny. went hm at 11 plus, and bathed then snoozed.
well back to the present, TODAY. today was fun. we tried to study at constance's house. keyword TRIED. but we actually studied lah... just that we got some stomach exercise. shall elobrate some other time. TTFN, tatafornow=9
navigate using the bars above
Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would live be,
Without a song or a dance,
So I say, thank you for the music
For giving it to me.
Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk
She says I began to sing long before I could talk
And I often wondered, how did it all start
Who found out that nothing could capture a heart, like a melody can
Well, who ever it was, I'm a fan
So I say thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be
Without a song or a dance, what are we?
So I say thank you for the music,
For giving it to me
I've been so lucky, I am the girl with golden hair
I want to sing it out to everybody,
What a joy, what a life, what a chance
So I say thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be
Without a song or a dance, what are we?
So I say thank you for the music,
For giving it to me
archmed. funniest vid she's seen this year.
[一;YI]her name is tanweiqi, and no she does not have a christian name.
[二;ER]weiqi is a completely RANDOM and CRAPPY person.
[三;SAN]she is a living OXYMORON cause she likes crowds and solitude.
[四;SI]she loves all her BESTIES & would probably go through hell for them.
[五;WU]weiqi loves cultures and wants to live in a foreign place for some time, preferably korea:D
[六;LIU]weiqi absoultely enjoys READING, WRITING, DRAWING& some more which she is too LAZY to list.
[七;QI]weiqi was from PVPS&PRCSS.
[八;BA]She is currently in TEMASEK POLY studying LAW&MANAGMENT.
[九;JIU]ohyeah, and is in ARCHERY.
a girl can wish, can't she?
[하나;HANA] a white, fluffy Samoyed <3
[둘;TUL] Samsung Omnia II
[셋;SET] new camera:D
[넷;NET] more dummy glasses and sunnies:D
[다섯;TASOT] more books, please:D
[여섯;YOSOT] TRAVEL.TRAVEL.TRAVEL. completely unrealistic and totally what she wants.
[일곱;ILGOP] korean lessons!
[여덟;YODOLP] iPod a Touch preferably. but that's insanely expensive.
[아홉;AHOP] NAVIGATOR ARROWS [gotteeeeeeeeen! on their wayyyyy!]
[열;YOL] ARCHERY; full stab & up poundageeee!
[열하나;YOL-HANA] 1200 for Full Fita O.O haaaaaaaard like ^%@!# caaaaaaan.
[열둘;YOL-TUL] stay in koreaaaaaaaa working towards that goal:D
[열셋;YOL-SET] last but not least, family and friends to be together forever.
what she really wants to do
[いち;ICHI] learn korean
[に;NI] fluency in korean&japanese
[さん;SAN] get a job to save up for korea and samoyed<3
[し;SI] stay in korea.
yakkity yak yak
9/28/2006 08:23:00 PM - Thursday, September 28, 2006
9/17/2006 06:23:00 PM - Sunday, September 17, 2006
today at 9.15 am on a sunday morning, what will you be doing? sleeping right? but i was on the mrt going to the opera gallery for the singapore biennale... hahas... so fun... the 3/4 and 3/5 art stus,( some of them) met at the pasir ris mrt station. from three four were, yours truly, me, ting ting, christian, fatini, suhailah, alicia, jolin, shyirah, diyana, masyitah,raudah, aanndd sharifah. we took the mrt to orchard road and walked to taka. half-way, ting ting said she craved macs so we searched the whole ngee ann building for macs. we were passing a fountain, a massive one and ting ting and diyana wanted piics, so we went down to take piics... then we stopped at aunty annie and asked for directions. thus we found macs and sat down to eat. then mr razak called ting ting and we went up and found him sitting in front of the main building. we all crowded aroung him and he said 'oh since the gallery is so small, we will go in groups.' so we went in groups and then up to the second floor of ngee ann building.
like whoa... all the paintings were painted by people like dali, picasso, buffet, etc.. so we were like going whoa... so we looked and then went to the toilet. on the way there, we met the second group and mr razak was like, 'where is it arh? i'm lost' =9 hahas... so funny... so on the way off, we passed a FAMOUS AMOS store. and i was sorely tempted. i had to physco myself to not buy that cookies, even if it smelled then, we went to the NLB in bugis, the BIG one... so we went to see the ceremic sculptures and i took lots and lots of photos.. so then there was this guy who came up to us and said, "i'm sorry, you can't take pictures of the steven low and jason lim sculptures..." ooopps..=9 but since i had already taken like how many pics and i was like "oh sorry"... bohdoh tat mampos sia...=9...
after that we went to kwan im thong and found out it was closed, so we went to some kind of church thingy and saw a giant installation made of ceremica. didn't really care about the clip they were showing, just preoccupied with the ceremics and glad there was air-con and a place to sit. after that we split for lunch. me, ting ting, diyana, sharifah, shyirah, went to LJS for lunch where i had fried shrimp and salsa cheese fries with a coke and clam chowder soup. OMG... the people there are BLUR... the guy forgot to give me my coke and i had to waut there and he gave me two cheese sauce instead of one, not that i will complain about that... so we all gathered at the fountain with "the water going up" as said by ting ting... d0ts.. so anyway we went back to NLB and to the photo exhibition this time... i saw this disply and nearly cried. so heart breaking... so we ended at about 3 ++ and then the 3/4-ers+azri (minus jolin and alicia) just chiller out at the platform outside the NLB. so0o syahirah had to leave and we said go0dbye to her. the rest of us were rotting away, thinking of where to go... christian syggested a mpvie but we were BROKE... so we decided to go bugis junction (me ting ting sharifah and diyana) and christian and azri to god-knows-where. we were walking up to bugis street when diyana had to go and we decided to head home.
on the way to buy the papers for dad, i stopped by mini-t0ons and got a hp strap and another one for my wallet... niice... ao thus ends my day of fun and laughter, and uncomplete homework for now i shall give in to my temptations and go eat my FAMOUS AMOS cookies and take pegs to keep my eyes open to do my homework late into the night... cia0os...=9
like whoa... all the paintings were painted by people like dali, picasso, buffet, etc.. so we were like going whoa... so we looked and then went to the toilet. on the way there, we met the second group and mr razak was like, 'where is it arh? i'm lost' =9 hahas... so funny... so on the way off, we passed a FAMOUS AMOS store. and i was sorely tempted. i had to physco myself to not buy that cookies, even if it smelled then, we went to the NLB in bugis, the BIG one... so we went to see the ceremic sculptures and i took lots and lots of photos.. so then there was this guy who came up to us and said, "i'm sorry, you can't take pictures of the steven low and jason lim sculptures..." ooopps..=9 but since i had already taken like how many pics and i was like "oh sorry"... bohdoh tat mampos sia...=9...
after that we went to kwan im thong and found out it was closed, so we went to some kind of church thingy and saw a giant installation made of ceremica. didn't really care about the clip they were showing, just preoccupied with the ceremics and glad there was air-con and a place to sit. after that we split for lunch. me, ting ting, diyana, sharifah, shyirah, went to LJS for lunch where i had fried shrimp and salsa cheese fries with a coke and clam chowder soup. OMG... the people there are BLUR... the guy forgot to give me my coke and i had to waut there and he gave me two cheese sauce instead of one, not that i will complain about that... so we all gathered at the fountain with "the water going up" as said by ting ting... d0ts.. so anyway we went back to NLB and to the photo exhibition this time... i saw this disply and nearly cried. so heart breaking... so we ended at about 3 ++ and then the 3/4-ers+azri (minus jolin and alicia) just chiller out at the platform outside the NLB. so0o syahirah had to leave and we said go0dbye to her. the rest of us were rotting away, thinking of where to go... christian syggested a mpvie but we were BROKE... so we decided to go bugis junction (me ting ting sharifah and diyana) and christian and azri to god-knows-where. we were walking up to bugis street when diyana had to go and we decided to head home.
on the way to buy the papers for dad, i stopped by mini-t0ons and got a hp strap and another one for my wallet... niice... ao thus ends my day of fun and laughter, and uncomplete homework for now i shall give in to my temptations and go eat my FAMOUS AMOS cookies and take pegs to keep my eyes open to do my homework late into the night... cia0os...=9
9/16/2006 10:46:00 PM - Saturday, September 16, 2006
there are millions of guardian angels present around you. they all are all there for you. but there is one who is more than always there for you. that guardian will always be there for you, no matter how hard you wish her gone. she will always be there for your ups and down, for you to talk to. she will accompany you through your joys and your heartbreaks. she is your verbal punching bag, and also the first person to share your joy. she is the only one who will believe you when you fail. but the day when you've fallen in love with her, is the day she will be gone, because you never cherished her. although you'll never see her again, she'll be with you always, watching over you, making sure you are fine, and once again, experiencing your gains and losses, this time, sharing it with you secretly. she loves you, she wants you to be happy even if it means sacrificing herself. she will waste away in sorrow, because you'll find a girl, who is not her. she will tolerate, because it makes you happy. one day she will be gone in every sense, but just remember, there is someone who onced loved you to the ends of the earth.
i'll love you till the end of time, but you'll never notice me.
16 SEPTEMBER 2oo6; 1o.53 PM.
the day i stopped being in denial; you'll never love me the way i love you.
i'll love you till the end of time, but you'll never notice me.
16 SEPTEMBER 2oo6; 1o.53 PM.
the day i stopped being in denial; you'll never love me the way i love you.
9/08/2006 10:07:00 PM - Friday, September 08, 2006
hello. here i am to write a post... woots,i painted my nails myself... so nice... actually it was in the spur of the moment. i didn't have varnish, only a pathetic colour named purple violet. gah, so is it purple or violet? can't the makers just decide on one puny name? or even a more attractive name... like mystical purple or sensual violet?!?!?!? why purple violet... OMG... okay... going off track now... so, at first i painted the whole nail, but it looked like shit, frankly. i'm not even going to freaking physco myself to believe it's nice, so i wiped it off. then i suddenly thought of a french manicure=P so, i stuck scotch tape to my nails, and did a DIY manicure...=) the effect was nice, but there was no 'B00M' to it, so i dug my drawer and tada! i found some nail stickers and nail rhinestones thingy.. so i did a Jolin Tsai and pasted the thingys on my nails=). tada, 2o minutes instant and cheap manicure=P
so before that, i went back to OUTSIDE the school for our SJAB meeting... reached there and saw shameem and naeem there, and soon, amirah reached there. waited for azeemah, but she failed to turn up, cos, we found out that she was sick... get well soon azeemah=)... so we walked to pasir ris park, only to remember that we didn't time the journey, so we jus went to source for the stations... after all that we were at the spider web, and me and suhailah were kinda climbing the thing, and then we took out our handphones and stared to take piccs... we weren't even listening to amirah.. =P oooppps...
so after the whole thing, we went to take 4o3 only to find out that we missed the bus.. thenn we waited for abt 1/2 an hour, and the next bus came. so we were talking abt the camp stuff there. major crapping was also involved. at the interchange, we were crapping about the ranks and etc. then i told amirah that me and wan er frm the st. nicks already had a deal, to become as high as wen xun madam.=) so we were crapping about who's who and who got what ranks... so then when i reached home i realised we hadn't chosen the DIs and the course ICs. so, me and amirah had another phone session. then i typed the frigging camp thingy... now my fingers are all tired and stuff, but i still post=P so anyway, printed everything out, and now, i shall go do some admin stuff...
so before that, i went back to OUTSIDE the school for our SJAB meeting... reached there and saw shameem and naeem there, and soon, amirah reached there. waited for azeemah, but she failed to turn up, cos, we found out that she was sick... get well soon azeemah=)... so we walked to pasir ris park, only to remember that we didn't time the journey, so we jus went to source for the stations... after all that we were at the spider web, and me and suhailah were kinda climbing the thing, and then we took out our handphones and stared to take piccs... we weren't even listening to amirah.. =P oooppps...
so after the whole thing, we went to take 4o3 only to find out that we missed the bus.. thenn we waited for abt 1/2 an hour, and the next bus came. so we were talking abt the camp stuff there. major crapping was also involved. at the interchange, we were crapping about the ranks and etc. then i told amirah that me and wan er frm the st. nicks already had a deal, to become as high as wen xun madam.=) so we were crapping about who's who and who got what ranks... so then when i reached home i realised we hadn't chosen the DIs and the course ICs. so, me and amirah had another phone session. then i typed the frigging camp thingy... now my fingers are all tired and stuff, but i still post=P so anyway, printed everything out, and now, i shall go do some admin stuff...
9/06/2006 04:40:00 PM - Wednesday, September 06, 2006
just came back sometime ago from maths and literature. maths was rather fun. after slogging our guts out on maths, we had a 15 minutes break. so, syariah, ting ting Rachel, bev and me went to SPC to buy cup noodles to eat. then we went to the void deck and sat there. so we started crapping about suff and then laughed a lung out. so after eating, to our "horror" we were late, so we went back to school as quickly as possible. then after more maths ms lim then got us KFC... THANKS MS LIM... hugs to her... got crapped at by mr yeo and went to lit. in our 15 min break, me meiyan and joyelyne were eating the some leftovers. the kena palto by suhailah. bleahs... then walked to the bus stop with syariah... bleahx day... HIM still gao ai mei... su fusturating. or maybe he's in NS. whatever then.... TTFN tata for now=P
9/05/2006 06:55:00 PM - Tuesday, September 05, 2006
wonder why i feel so depressed today. prob cos of HIS bo chap attitude. fustrated lehs... keep on shua ai mei.. haiis... today went back for lit and also partly for the meeting.. kinda fusturated at HIM...kinda feel like shouting "C'MON FER GOD'S SAKE MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!" bloody h***'s like he's one moment wah... SUPER close friends, like jay chou and jolin tsai kind then next min we're like normal friends.... haiis... feel so blahs today. no real word to describe it... being forced to go back everyday for lit ... sians... but thank god i'm not able to make it on friday. =P
was surfing the net then mom called me for dinner. looked at the show and screamed. i missed my absolutely fave old time movies, du shen 2.... AAAUUURRRGGGGHHH... bleahx... so in the end watched the last part while cramming dinner down my poorly sore and painful throat. but it was painful cos i was sinfully indulging in Long johns with my mom, cos we went to tampinese (?) to buy new school shoes. bought two pairs then went to indulge with mother before going on a kind of shopping spree, if buying groceries is counted...
once again, summary of feelings: crappy, blahs-like, bleahx-like, and tired. currently listening to Unfaithful by Rihanna, followed by Qian Li Zhi Wai, from his new aulbum, Jay Chou and Fei Yu Qing, then Ci Niao and Fei Xing Bu Luo both by FIR then Stars are Blind by Paris Hilton... gonna fatten myself up with depression, crappiness, blahness, bleahxness and chocolate.. woots
was surfing the net then mom called me for dinner. looked at the show and screamed. i missed my absolutely fave old time movies, du shen 2.... AAAUUURRRGGGGHHH... bleahx... so in the end watched the last part while cramming dinner down my poorly sore and painful throat. but it was painful cos i was sinfully indulging in Long johns with my mom, cos we went to tampinese (?) to buy new school shoes. bought two pairs then went to indulge with mother before going on a kind of shopping spree, if buying groceries is counted...
once again, summary of feelings: crappy, blahs-like, bleahx-like, and tired. currently listening to Unfaithful by Rihanna, followed by Qian Li Zhi Wai, from his new aulbum, Jay Chou and Fei Yu Qing, then Ci Niao and Fei Xing Bu Luo both by FIR then Stars are Blind by Paris Hilton... gonna fatten myself up with depression, crappiness, blahness, bleahxness and chocolate.. woots
9/04/2006 09:44:00 AM - Monday, September 04, 2006
GAH... i hate my life.... i had a nice post and then it had to be deleted. bleahs...
okay.. i changed my blogskin, FINALLY. i've been wanting to change ever since 2 months ago, but ME TOO LAZY... i looovvveee my new blogsikn lah...
i feel like crap. Let's analyse my life. i woke up at 6++ to find out that lit is cancelled and moved to tuesday. i went back to sleep only to wake up10 seconds later to remember that i have plans on tuesday. i am up at an unearthly hour of 9.34 am because i can't sleep, i have cough, running nose and killer cramps. i am hungry, there is no food in the house. i wanna go eat berkky but no one's there to go with me. i am bored. conclusion, MY LIFE IS CARP. okay. done
woots... ytd was AGI... went to the stadium extremely late cause mdm tan said that we would be sitting there for god knows how long. we reached there with only a minor glitch. the parade atarted with a kallang wave startime fm our side so we jus raised our hands and looked dead. plus we said 'woo' in a deadpan voice. so the host went "GIMMIE ONE CLAP!!!" and we were like clap. deadpan look. then after that the supporting contigent came in and we were like clap clap clap. then the GOH and the flags came in so we were like 'WOOO~WOOO~GO ZONE 1" we bacame all gungho cos the GOH was from Zone 1 (okay okay and Zone 2). then cos min kiat aka vincent sir was carrying the black SJAB flag azeemah was like "eh... vincent sir" and then they were prodding me cos i was taking pics of the GOH... i repeat... of the GOH not him lah...-.- '''

okay, so the parade started and we were like "ooohhh another one fainted" pure sadism...=P. so there was the march past and vincent was marching in front cos he was holding the SJAB flag. then we were cheering for izzah and shelia then amirah and azeemah were like 'wei qi cheer for him lah...' T.T okayyy... then he called me on the bus and the ANNOYING people were
ANNOYING me and he said he would call me later. no comment on that...anyway he still hasn't called me... anyway... he also hasn't replied me cos i need to answer back to amirah... aka OIC... so bleahs...some funny shots i got from AGI as revenge for ANNOYING me. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE=) bleahx. can't seem to post the pics... nvm... NEXT POST =)
okay.. i changed my blogskin, FINALLY. i've been wanting to change ever since 2 months ago, but ME TOO LAZY... i looovvveee my new blogsikn lah...
i feel like crap. Let's analyse my life. i woke up at 6++ to find out that lit is cancelled and moved to tuesday. i went back to sleep only to wake up10 seconds later to remember that i have plans on tuesday. i am up at an unearthly hour of 9.34 am because i can't sleep, i have cough, running nose and killer cramps. i am hungry, there is no food in the house. i wanna go eat berkky but no one's there to go with me. i am bored. conclusion, MY LIFE IS CARP. okay. done
woots... ytd was AGI... went to the stadium extremely late cause mdm tan said that we would be sitting there for god knows how long. we reached there with only a minor glitch. the parade atarted with a kallang wave startime fm our side so we jus raised our hands and looked dead. plus we said 'woo' in a deadpan voice. so the host went "GIMMIE ONE CLAP!!!" and we were like clap. deadpan look. then after that the supporting contigent came in and we were like clap clap clap. then the GOH and the flags came in so we were like 'WOOO~WOOO~GO ZONE 1" we bacame all gungho cos the GOH was from Zone 1 (okay okay and Zone 2). then cos min kiat aka vincent sir was carrying the black SJAB flag azeemah was like "eh... vincent sir" and then they were prodding me cos i was taking pics of the GOH... i repeat... of the GOH not him lah...-.- '''

okay, so the parade started and we were like "ooohhh another one fainted" pure sadism...=P. so there was the march past and vincent was marching in front cos he was holding the SJAB flag. then we were cheering for izzah and shelia then amirah and azeemah were like 'wei qi cheer for him lah...' T.T okayyy... then he called me on the bus and the ANNOYING people were
ANNOYING me and he said he would call me later. no comment on that...anyway he still hasn't called me... anyway... he also hasn't replied me cos i need to answer back to amirah... aka OIC... so bleahs...
9/02/2006 02:38:00 PM - Saturday, September 02, 2006
woots... holidays started... kinda sians... wanted to post ytd, but forgot in the end. when i remembered it was like 1 am in the morning and i was like 'oh crap' and went back to sleep. ytd was `cher's day so me bev and stella went to sentosa, cos we intended to get suntanning. spent an hour+ getting there and bev was kinda crappy when we got there. we took an mrt to habourfront and bev was kinda complaining abt the lack of seats that was avaliable. then we went to find the free shuttle bus to get to sentosa and went up the wrong exit, thus we u-turned and went up exit a and found the shuttle bus.
so we went there and wanted to go to siloso beach cos stells wanted to canoe but went to palawan beach instead. so we jus went to play with the water, splash here and therethen sit down. we were abt to go to siloso beach when bev was like, 'i feel like going home to change lah... later watch movie all sticky'...., so we were abt to go home, when we saw......... the beach tram and stella wanted to go and ride it for a whole round. we rode the whole round and got off at the bus thingy and took the blue line to the Luge and skyride cos stella wanted to sit on it. we played on the luge and it was kinda fun. but on the skyride, my slipper ad to drop and stella told bev amd bev inturn told dadadadum, CONSTANCE....=P i'm never gonna live this down.
sp after that we rushed to CS and watched monster house... hahahahahas.... theer was a character in the show called CONSTANCE... hahas...kinda scary in some parts, but funny. then we went to the arcade and me and stella were trying to push bev into the para machine, but the people kept on inserting credits and inthe end we went down to macs to eat.
rather fun, ytd... sians... sun got agi... mite miss president's star charity, cos got MLB... =) wanna watch despo sia... sians...
so we went there and wanted to go to siloso beach cos stells wanted to canoe but went to palawan beach instead. so we jus went to play with the water, splash here and therethen sit down. we were abt to go to siloso beach when bev was like, 'i feel like going home to change lah... later watch movie all sticky'...., so we were abt to go home, when we saw......... the beach tram and stella wanted to go and ride it for a whole round. we rode the whole round and got off at the bus thingy and took the blue line to the Luge and skyride cos stella wanted to sit on it. we played on the luge and it was kinda fun. but on the skyride, my slipper ad to drop and stella told bev amd bev inturn told dadadadum, CONSTANCE....=P i'm never gonna live this down.
sp after that we rushed to CS and watched monster house... hahahahahas.... theer was a character in the show called CONSTANCE... hahas...kinda scary in some parts, but funny. then we went to the arcade and me and stella were trying to push bev into the para machine, but the people kept on inserting credits and inthe end we went down to macs to eat.
rather fun, ytd... sians... sun got agi... mite miss president's star charity, cos got MLB... =) wanna watch despo sia... sians...
her past bitchings.
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if weiqi has not linked you, drop her a tag. she'll gladly do so(: